The success of our program is in direct proportion

to the involvement of our parents!



Our expectation is for every student, at minimum of 14 hours are to be volunteered by a parent.  If you have questions, please our Executive Committee or a Chairperson.

  • If you are volunteering as a chaperone, please download and complete the CCSD Volunteer Application.

  • Volunteer Guidelines

  • Once completed, place the form in an envelope and deposit them in the white box outside Mr. Loehr's office.


To sign up for current volunteer needs,

hover over "Volunteer" in the grey bar above!

(In mobile app, click the 3 white lines in the top left corner, then click the down arrow next to “Volunteer.”)


Descriptions of our volunteer opportunities, in order in which they typically occur during the season are:


All year
We have multiple fundraisers that will need chairpersons and committee members.


Hospitality Team             
All year
Help serve or provide food / beverages for various functions throughout the year. 


Knights of Columbus Flag Program Coordinator
All year
Communicate with interested parents and Knights of Columbus to determine & assign routes


Spirit Wear
All year
Help collect orders & distribute spirit wear


Rookie Day

TBD - Spring 2025

We welcome our 8th grade WMS and Freedom MS students to participate in a fun day with our current marching band students


Prop Building
Pre-season (Apr-July)
Assist in the building various props that will be used in the marching band show


End of Awards Reception and Ceremony, Spring 2025, evening
We will need volunteers for set-up, ticket-taking, food serving, and clean-up


Chaperone - On-Site at WHS Band Camp & Saturday Camps
Band Camp + Saturday camps - 2025 dates TBD
Morning (outdoor medical tent) & afternoon (indoor) shifts will be available


Water Team
During Band Camp and Saturday camps throughout Aug & Sep
Fill the large orange water dispensers & move to the band practice area


Marching Uniforms            
Game/Competition/Parade Season (Aug-Dec)
Help the uniform team organize the uniform room, fit students, wash uniforms at home, and assist students pre-game & pre-competition.


Prop Transportation
Away Games (pep band mode), + three marching band competitions (dates TBA)

We rely on parents with vehicles with a trailer hitch to pull our band trailers to & from away games and competitions


Prop Load, Setup, Tear Down, and Storage

Prop parents help load props & instruments onto the trailers (for away games), unload props to the field, remove props from the field, re-load the trailers, and unpack the trailers & put the props in storage once we return to WHS. Multiple shifts will be available for parents who can only work either before or after the game. 


Chaperone - Games/Competition
Game/Competition Season (August-October)
Accompany students on the buses to and from games & competitions and sit with them during the game or competition.


Concession Stand
All Home Games
Prepare food or cashier at the home game concession stand. Two shifts will be available for each game.


Senior Night

This will be one home game in August or September.

We will need a few people to order flowers, pick up flowers, and pin/distribute flowers.


Taste of Woodstock
September 2025

We will have a tent at TOW where we sell sodas & water.  Parents and students are needed to work various shifts.


CCSD Marching Band Exhibition
This large-scale event rotates between the six county high schools each year. The next projected year that WHS will host will be October 2028.


8th Grade Night / Homecoming

One home game (Usually in October)

Help welcome 8th graders from WMS & Freedom to give them a taste of the WHS marching band program


Winter Guard Prop Transportation


We will need a parent with a vehicle with a trailer hitch to pull the small winter guard trailer to off-site rehearsals and/or competitions


Shottenkirk Raffle
October - March

Help coordinate distribution & collection of raffle tickets, track sales, and report sales/turn in tickets to Shottenkirk


Holiday Parade

December 2025

Volunteer as a chaperone and march with the band for the Woodstock Holiday Parade


Christmas Tree Repurpose Fundraiser


Community members can sign up for their Christmas tree to be picked up by our repurpose volunteers.  We will need a few parents to pull trailers.  Trees are then taken to Lake Allatoona as part of a program to be repurposed as fish habitats.


Bingo Night

Jan, Feb or Mar

Assist with setup, concessions, bingo card sales, silent auction, clean up